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Root canal treatment under the microscope in Warsaw

Root canal treatment of a tooth under the microscope – it is alsocalled endodontic treatment - is an advanced dental specialty dealing with diseases of the periapical tissues and pulp. It is also one of the best ways to avoid having to extract a tooth. The combination of expert dental knowledge, advanced techniques and modern equipment results in a procedure characterized by speed, patient comfort and high precision.

The use of a microscope in endodontic treatment allows for thorough cleaning of tooth canals, which shortens the treatment time and reduces the number of visits to the Clinic. In our clinic, we perform professional root canal treatment under a microscope using high-quality equipment that reduces unpleasant symptoms.

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What is root canal treatment under the microscope?

What is root canal treatment under the microscope? Primary root canal treatment aims to remove the diseased pulp from the tooth chamber and root canals. It is both mechanical and chemical development. In the case of root canal treatment under the microscope, the precision is much higher: in just one visit, within about two hours, depending on the type of tooth being treated, the diseased dental pulp can be effectively removed. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia. In our Clinic, we make sure that it is completely painless.

Endodontics is the only chance to save a tooth with diseased pulp. Inflammation is indicated by dull or sharp pain, tooth hypersensitivity or discoloration. In such a situation, root canal treatment is necessary. Modern treatment using a microscope achieves much better results with shorter visits and less pain.

Advantages of root canal treatment under the microscope.

A dental microscope gives you a chance to treat your teeth much more efficiently.


Endodontic treatment under a microscope allows us to get a much greater precision and gives access to canals invisible to the naked eye. In this way, you can also see additional canals and their curves or branches, or a broken tool in the canal. This makes whole treatment more effective.


During a root canal treatment under the microscope, patients report less pain. Dental treatment causes less discomfort.


What is the most important for patients treated with this method, the treatment time is much shorter. One treatment, usually less than two hours, is enough to achieve lasting results.

Root canal treatment is less invasive and cheaper than removing a damaged tooth and replacing it with a prosthetic bridge or implant.

These factors make endodontic treatment under a microscope very popular among our patients.

Indications for root canal treatment under the microscope

There are some cases when the precision involved in root canal treatment is particularly important. 


unusual shape of teeth

unusual position of teeth

past injuries

narrow and curved channels

removal of remnants of broken teeth

In such situations, the benefits of root canal treatment are very important. If treatment is not performed under a microscope, the effects may be much weaker and the tooth may not be saved.

Why is it worth choosing root canal treatment in our Dental Clinic?

If you are looking for help from best specialists in endodontics, you are in the right place. 


Our clinic is equipped with modern equipment that provides invaluable support in dental treatment. We know it perfectly and we use its full potential.


Inflammation may be asymptomatic. It sometimes happens that patients decide to have their tooth treated to late. In such a situation, we are also able to offer comprehensive support.


We professionally select the appropriate root canal treatment method that will work best in a specific case.


We also perform the most complex endodontic procedures, including removing broken tools, treating teeth with very curved and narrow canals, or closing perforations.


Our goal is for you to keep your healed tooth as long as possible. This is our most important task and this is what we focus on.


We consult every step of treatment with our patients. We believe that the process requires mutual understanding and commitment. Thanks to this, our patients understand why we take particular steps and trust us more.


We work as a team. Our dental clinic is a team of specialists in their fields. In many cases, tooth treatment is more complex and the support of other people is needed. Then we work together and develop strategies that will bring the best results.


We constantly improve our qualifications. We stay up to date with scientific literature and learn about modern treatment methods at seminars, which we implement in our clinic. Thanks to this, we can always offer our patients the most effective support.

Our task is to restore the comfort of your life. We know how severe the problems associated with diseased dental pulp are. We are able to help you.

How is root canal treatment performed  under the microscope?

The course of treatment is as follows:


First, X-rays are taken to determine the number and course of the dental canals. When retreatment is performed, the root canals are severely curved or  in the case of a broken instrument left behind, also a CT scan of the tooth is performed.


The next step is to install a rubber dam isolating the treated tooth from the oral environment, remove the diseased dental pulp, and thoroughly clean and prepare the canals.


After filling the canals with hot gutta-percha, a substance of plant origin, another X-ray is taken.


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